
Due to statistics being used in many different disciplines, it is important for statistics to be accessible to many, and tuned to a variety of interests. I believe in the importance of teaching according to such considerations. Some courses I have taught or have been a TA for are shown below.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology:

TMA4265: Stochastic Modelling (Fall 2023)
Instructor: John Paige
Teaching Assistants: André Olaisen, Simen Furset
Course Website: https://wiki.math.ntnu.no/tma4265/2023h/start

TMA4300: Computer Intensive Statistical Methods (Spring 2023)
Instructor: John Paige
Teaching Assistant: Guillermina Senn
Course Website: https://wiki.math.ntnu.no/tma4300/2023v/start

TMA4265: Stochastic Modelling (Fall 2022)
Instructors: John Paige, Geir-Arne Fuglstad
Teaching Assistant: Mina Spremic, Ema Skarstein
Course Website: https://wiki.math.ntnu.no/tma4265/2022h/start

TMA4300: Computer Intensive Statistical Methods (Spring 2022)
Instructor: Sara Martino, John Paige
Teaching Assistant: Martin Outzen Berild
Course Website: https://wiki.math.ntnu.no/tma4300/2022v/start

University of Washington:

Statistics 395: Probability II (Summer B Term 2020)
Instructor: John Paige
Teaching Assistant: Yandi Shen
Course Website:

Statistics 502: Design and Analysis of Experiments (Fall 2017)
Instructor: Mathias Drton
Teaching Assistant: John Paige
Course Website: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1121052

Statistics 220: Principles of Statistical Reasoning (Summer A Term 2017)
Instructor: Anne Wagner
Teaching Assistants: John Paige, Kunhui Zhang
Course Website: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1121052

National Center for Atmospheric Research:

Data Analytics Bootcamp for High School Students (Summer 2015, 2016)
Instructors: Many, including myself
Course Website: https://github.com/NCAR/GSP_Bootcamp2016